Sustainable Campus Shares: 6 Sustainability Newsletters We Love!

Trinity Iwicki
Image of trees with title of blog post overlay, with SDGs #4 and #17

We don’t always have the time or energy to seek out news that might be important to us. This is where newsletters have found their niche. Newsletters offer an easy way to have updates and news sent directly to your email, often about specific topics that align with your interests. As the environment and climate change become a bigger topic of international discussion , multitudes of sustainability related newsletters have sprung up all around the internet. From those that focus on environmental law to positive climate news to different movements and how to get involved, there are newsletters for every facet of the sustainability movement. Sustainable Campus is always working to keep information accessible and convenient for the Florida State University community and the wider community, so we decided to compile a list of some of our favorite sustainability newsletters to share! 

All We Can Save

The All We Can Save Project is centered around building a climate movement full of leaders and empowering individuals to feel they can make a difference. Focusing on the emotional and spiritual roots of climate work, the project is designed around narrative change around climate leadership, community building of diverse individuals working towards a livable future, and deep learning with resources for a variety of settings looking to nurture participation. They offer a short monthly newsletter meant to serve as an empowering and fortifying message that includes climate art, poetry, and updates on the project’s environmental work. 

The Climate Optimist

Published monthly by Harvard School of Public Health’s Center for Climate, Health, and Global Environment, The Climate Optimist describes itself as “a breath of fresh air straight off the blade of a wind turbine.” Focusing on a narrative that pushes empowerment, this newsletter discusses climate change through the lens of what we can still do, good news and actions being taken, and providing resources for readers to participate in the fight against climate change themselves, all while still acknowledging the reality of the situation. The Climate Optimist works to combat doomism and burnout that can result from negative information overload. 

The Daily Climate and Above The Fold

Published by Environmental Health News, The Daily Climate advertises itself as “news for a changing world.” Delivering news on top climate impacts, drivers, and politics, the newsletter is perfect for those looking to stay up-to-date and on the cutting edge of the climate movement. With a daily and weekly subscription, readers can choose how often they want to receive emails. Above The Fold is also published by Environmental Health News, but focuses on environmental and public health, more heavily leaning towards the social implications of environmental news. 

Legal Planet

A newsletter focused on the world of environmental law, Legal Planet sparked from a collaboration between University of California Berkeley and University of California Los Angeles’ Law Schools. Looking to bridge the gap between legal decisions and the people they affect, Legal Planet takes court decisions, regulatory action, and legislation that affect climate change policy, renewable energy, toxic waste disposal, and more and translates them to be accessible to the wider public. The newsletter covers a large variety of topics that appeal to a wide range of audiences regardless of their law or environmental background. 

Yale Environment 360

Yale Environment 360 is published by the Yale School of the Environment. Featuring publications from a variety of players in the climate field such as businesspeople, scientists, policymakers, and more, it provides a holistic look at the environmental challenges facing the modern world. Covering topics such as climate, energy, biodiversity,  and policy, this newsletter not only features a variety of authors, but also a variety of information. Readers can also sort information by global region to specifically look through their local information. Sent out once a week, the newsletter highlights news and publications shared on its main blog in a shorter summary of information. 

Want to stay up to date with Sustainable Campus? Follow us on Instagram at @fsusustainable for information on sustainability at Florida State University and beyond. 
