Sustainable Campus Shares: 5 Sustainability Blogs We Love!

Trinity Iwicki
Blog Graphic

The internet is full of fantastic resources to learn more and stay up-to-date on the world of sustainability. Most of us generally don’t have the time or desire to read through dense scientific articles and papers to find out what’s going on. This is where blogs come in! Designed to be easy, short, and engaging reads, blogs help keep the sustainability conversation accessible to everyone. Here at Sustainable Campus, one of our main goals is to make sustainability easily accessible and available to the Florida State University community. So,  we asked around the office and compiled some of our favorite sustainability blogs to share with you! 


  • Established in 2004, Treehugger started as a small team focused on giving consumers the tools they needed to make sustainable choices without having to wade through the trenches of greenwashing. Now, its team boasts experts from all around the world, who have collected several awards for their efforts, including the 2021 Sustainability Leadership Award from the Business Intelligence Group. Working to create a space for those first stepping into the world of sustainability and those who have been involved from the beginning, Treehugger offers a welcoming space for everyone and blog posts on everything you could need in the world of sustainability—from news updates to consumer guides to gardening guides. 

Environmental Working Group: Environmental Connections to Public Health

Screenshot of EWG blog home page.

  • Started in 1993, the Environmental Working Group shines its focus on bringing attention to environmental legislation and what it means for everyday citizens, holding governments and industries accountable. With its emphasis on public health, the EWG publishes consumer guides, legislation guides, and updates on current news and research. If you’re looking for a place to see just how much civic action can and has been getting done, turn to the EWG. Or, maybe you’re just looking to better understand recent legislation, or a guide to what sunscreens and cosmetic products have been proven harmful or safe for the environment and the body. In any of these cases, this blog is for you!

Happy Eco News

  • The constant flood of negative news can sometimes make staying up-to-date with the environment difficult, and it can make personal action feel hopeless. That’s where blogs like Happy Eco News come in! With the motto “Know Hope. Know Action,” Happy Eco News looks to inspire and empower individuals that may feel overwhelmed by the climate crisis. This blog aims to collect news of positive action, success stories, and change to show people there is a reason for hope and to take action. Additionally, they emphasize that humans’  individual contributions to the fight against the climate crisis aren’t futile. Happy Eco News also accepts editorials and writings for guest blogs for individuals already taking action to have a platform to spread their message! 

Grist - A Nonprofit News Organization

Screenshot of Grist blog home page.

  • Grist is an independent, nonprofit media organization using the power of storytelling to advocate for an environmentally and socially sustainable future. Established in 1999, Grist elevates current action, change, and solutions to create a network of problem-solvers connected through storytelling. With a focus on the people of the climate crisis, Grist engages its audience to ensure that as climate solutions begin to be implemented, no one is left behind, and our sustainable future is a just one. Keeping the news accessible to people from every walk of life is the first step, and the niche Grist helps to fill. 


Earth911: More Ideas, Less Waste

  • Earth911 is focused on the collective power of seemingly small, individual actions, and how those actions can build systemic changes. Starting in the early 90s, Earth911 began as a recycling database, and remains the largest recycling database in the nation. Centered around reducing waste and increasing recycling and reuse, Earth911 offers a highly interactive interface with a multitude of ways to learn and get involved. Hosting a podcast, consumer and action guides, editorials, news stories, and even quizzes to test your knowledge, Earth911 appeals to a wide audience coming in with any level of sustainability experience. 

Want to stay up to date with Sustainable Campus? Follow us on Instagram at @fsusustainable for information on sustainability at Florida State University and beyond. 
